Monday, April 29, 2019

Miniature Picture

miniature picture

I've had this little pin for a while now and decided to make it a mini.  I took off the pin part and found this fun picture of an astronaut from a magazine to put in it.

miniature shelf accessories

I think it would work in a teenage girl's room maybe, though I haven't put a full scene together yet.  What do you think?

Friday, April 26, 2019

Miniature Attic Scene

miniature attic scene

I am so sore and tired.  I had a yard sale today and my everything hurts.  But I made some room and made a bit of a profit so I am happy.  

I considered making a miniature yard sale scene but instead put together this little attic scene.

miniature attic

I threw in some rugs and paintings. 

miniature boxes of books

I also added some boxes of books.

miniature dollhouse

And of course I had to add the newly painted dollhouse.

miniature photographs

And these mini photographs were the inspiration for this being an attic scene instead of a yard sale scene.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A Painted Dollhouse

painted miniature dollhouse

I painted a dollhouse to better suite my style, which as random as it is, the original look wasn't something I cared for.

miniature dollhouse

This is what it looked like before.  I'm sure most of you recognize it.  The colors just never seemed to go with my minis.

miniature scene

And of course, every time there is a new mini, I have to play with ideas so I put together this little scene for you all.  I'm sure there will be more to come with this little dollhouse.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Trash to Treasure: Miniature Bowls

I have another short post for you all.  I apologize everyone.  I am still trying to catch up.

So my mother's cat knocked her salt and pepper shakers off the table and they broke.  I helped her clean up the mess and in return got to keep the bottom plugs.  I thought they looked like little bowls.  I painted them with nail polish so they'd have a glossy look.  I plan on using one for a kitchen scene and the other I am thinking of using for a plant pot.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Not Much To Report

It's been a crazy week.  My computer is having issues, the husband's band has to fill in for another band that cancelled, then there is getting Easter fun ready for the kids and sooooo much more.  So there has been very little time left for the minis. 

miniature barrel table

I did finally stain this little table.  So at least there is that.

I do have lots of plans and will hopefully be able to accomplish more this next week.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Miniature Bohemian Living Room

miniature boho room

I made another bohemian themed scene.  It's my favorite miniature style.

miniature ladder

I made another ladder.  I think I'll add some blankets to it next time I use it.

miniature accessories

I also used lots of my new plants and the new vase I made.

miniature pallet coffee table

But my favorite part is the pallet coffee table I made.  And of course my button that I'm still playing with.

I think if I'm going to keep on with the boho theme that I need to make some hanging plants as well.  Next on my to do list.

Monday, April 15, 2019

DIY Miniature Plants

miniature plants

I made a few new plants and grouped them with some plants I already have.  I like a lot of plants in miniature only because I can't keep them alive in my scale...

diy miniature plants

These two were made from cutting up a green plastic folder from the Dollar Tree. 

I also dug around in my junk drawer and pulled these two pieces out.  I believe this lamp topper looks like a vase but needed a stand.

So I glued them together...

diy vase of roses

And added some white roses I've had for some time.  What do you think?

vintage medical prints

I also played around with some prints I have that I haven't used much of.  Not sure how to use these vintage prints.  Not really wanting to make a doctor's office. Wanting to use them in more modern decor.  Have any of you used vintage medical prints in your mini decor?  Post the link in your comments if so.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Newest Miniature Living Room

miniature living room

I still need to put another coat of paint on the walls but decorating is more fun.  I created this living room scene while playing around with the new look.

diy miniature furniture

I wasn't sure how my furniture would look with the new color but I do like it.

miniature desk

I've decided that I need more shelf filler.  I like a full shelf.

miniature shelf

Speaking of shelves, this little guy was from one of those wooden puzzles, that connect together to make a shape, that I picked up at the Dollar Tree.

Ok, I promise the next tie you see the room I will have put that second coat of paint on.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Room Box Remodel

miniature wooden floor

I finished the floor for the room box, like just before posting this.  The stain is still a little wet, so I haven't "played" with the new look yet.  I still need to put another coat of paint on the side walls, but I am happy with the color.  It's not a color that will go with everything I have but I took Giac's advice and made some different wall inserts for when I want to change it up.  Also, notice the new round wooden tray on the table?

wooden button

It's a button I picked up on sale for 75 cents!  It's pretty neat and as soon as I find or figure out how to make food, I will use it as a charcuterie plate.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Newest Mini Making Ventures

diy miniature paper towel holder

I made a paper towel holder and I will get to the how of it in just a minute.  But first, in the above picture you get a sneak peak at the room box remodel.  I still have to paint another coat and I will be staining the wood floor.  And I should mention the little brown jar was a gift from my husband.  It use to contain his beard oil. 

Now for the paper towel holder.  My mother-in-law gave me these tooth picks, and they have these really neat ends on them.  So a took a circle piece of wood that I have in my randoms drawer (all the little bits and pieces I collect that I might be able to do something with) and glued them together.  Then I wrapped a cut piece of straw with paper towel and tada!

miniature table

I also put this little table together.  I plan on staining it as well and putting a chess board on it.

mini possibilities

Last but not least, my mother gave me these at Christmas and I believe they came from the Dollar Tree.  I took them apart for the gold pieces which looked like bowls to me.  I'm certain they can be used for other things as well, however.  Ideas anyone?

Friday, April 5, 2019

Miniature Beach Themed Scene

miniature beach themed scene

As I was sorting through my miniatures I realized I have a few beach themed minis.  So I decided to use them to put a quick scene together.

beach themed miniatures

I used one of my new jars and filled it with my tiniest seashells.

As for the room box remodel, I painted the side walls and have started working on a wood floor but ran out of popsicle sticks.  So, it'll be a while before I reveal it.  Sorry for the wait, but I'm excited with the results so far.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Trash to Treasure: Miniature Bins

miniature bins

I made some bins.  Not certain what to put in them though.  I was originally thinking of putting them in a laundry room.  Maybe some magazines or blankets?

I used a couple of toothpaste boxes.

I cut them and covered them.  Not certain I'm happy with them yet.  I'll have to put them in a scene I like I think.

Monday, April 1, 2019

DIY Miniature Tray

miniature wooden tray

I had a couple of stirring sticks that I picked up free a while back at a bakery that I used to make this mini.  I also cut the ends of some bobby pins for the handles. 

miniature tray

It's sooo tiny!  I love it! 

miniature scene

Also, I put this little scene together, but I'm not happy with it and I can't figure out how to improve it, so your input would be much appreciated. 

I am also remodeling my temporary room...again...This time I am making a removable wood flooring.  So keep coming back for updates on that.  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!