Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Miniature Bohemian Living Room

miniature boho room

I made another bohemian themed scene.  It's my favorite miniature style.

miniature ladder

I made another ladder.  I think I'll add some blankets to it next time I use it.

miniature accessories

I also used lots of my new plants and the new vase I made.

miniature pallet coffee table

But my favorite part is the pallet coffee table I made.  And of course my button that I'm still playing with.

I think if I'm going to keep on with the boho theme that I need to make some hanging plants as well.  Next on my to do list.


  1. A Bohemian Rhapsody! I love the bold mix of colours and accessories. the orange against the turquoise is Dramatic!

  2. I like all the bold colors that you've used - and I especially like your idea of adding blankets to the ladder. The pallet furniture is great!

  3. Your pallet furniture is terrific - and so trendy. I like your newest installation very much, you've created a very friendly, cozy and inviting room. Hanging plants sound like a great idea… and maybe some pots attached to the ladder too?

