Sunday, June 28, 2020

New Miniatures!

Haven't been crafting much lately.  I had family in all the week before last and as for last, I have no real excuse, just didn't get around to it.  But I do, fortunately, have something for you today.

I've been wanting to make some new mini toys, so I made this little jack in the box.  I used a small wooden cube, some scrap paper, a wooden bead, a spring from a junk drawer and a clipped end of a bobby pin.  I'm pretty proud of him.

I also went yardsaling and scored a box full of scrapbook paper super cheap as well as a little silver candle holder.  The paper included this awesome marble like paper.

So I made a table with it.

I have started painting the roof for the camper but still need to paint a second coat so I don't have any updated pictures of it for you yet.  Hopefully this week...

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Painted Miniature Hutch

I finished painting my hutch.  I went with a sage green, suggested by Deborah.  Then, I of course, had to play with some ideas to see how versatile it could be.  In the first picture, its a kitchen hutch.

The above decor is my favorite so far.

Then a hutch for a children's room.

And for the last two pictures, I find it interesting how lighting can change the feel of a picture.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

DIY Miniature Camper Progress...

I have started painting the outside and have it all put together except for the roof, which I still need to paint.  

I'm happy with my color choices so far.

But I could use some advise in how to hide the cardboard edges.  Anyone?

Monday, June 1, 2020

DIY Miniature Hutch, and more...

I've been wanting a hutch and decided to try and make my own.  I used a Dollar Tree dresser, craft board, popsicle sticks and some cabinet doors I had left over from another project.

I made it so I could open and close the cabinet doors.

I plan on painting it,...not sure what color though.  Suggestions?

I made some more miniature accessories.  The blue lamp I had before but it got broken so I fixed it and, I believe, improved it a bit.