Friday, July 31, 2020

Titles are hard....

I am not good at coming up with catchy titles.  Any way, I am sorry for not posting much.  We've decided to homeschool the girls this year and I am a nervous wreck and obsessing with getting everything ready that I haven't done much else.  But I thought I would at the very least, stop by and share with you a little something my daughter has been working on.  She wanted to make a miniature room like mommy!

I think it is adorably creative.  My youngest is working on one as well but hasn't finished her's yet.

Hopefully I'll find some time to get crafty as well, until then, have a good day!

Friday, July 10, 2020

Fun With Some New Wallpaper

This will be a short but sweet post.  I was digging through my box of new wallpaper that I picked up at a yard sale (box full for $2) and found this pretty dreamy looking paper and decided it needed a scene of its own.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

New Minis and New Mini Scenes

I made a couple of new plants.  Both are cut from a fish tank plant I bought at another yard sale.

And my newest favorite, this orange over-sized chair!  I love it!  Don't you just love it!? I made it out of a gift box lid and some blocks.

Dollar Tree Doll Furniture Redo

I bought a couple of packs of the cheap plastic doll furniture from the Dollar Tree a while back and finally got around to doing something with them.  Though I haven't yet finished the clocks, I did finish the coffee table.

I removed the sticker and goo and painted it white.  Done and done.

Not too bad if you ask me.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Something New To Share With You

From left to right: 
 I bought a wooden ring box at a yard sale for 50 cents and want to use it as a mini.  
The jar on top was a beach themed key chain that I took apart and emptied, then I added some sticks from my yard to it.  
I made the stool by gluing two soda pop lids together and covered them with material.  
A while back, I purchased some wooden discs.  I took two of them and added legs, which are some old bobby pins cut down.  
As for the hand statue, I had it before but it had gotten broke, and I just now got around to fixing it.

That is all for today.  Hopefully, I will have more for you next week.