Monday, April 15, 2019

DIY Miniature Plants

miniature plants

I made a few new plants and grouped them with some plants I already have.  I like a lot of plants in miniature only because I can't keep them alive in my scale...

diy miniature plants

These two were made from cutting up a green plastic folder from the Dollar Tree. 

I also dug around in my junk drawer and pulled these two pieces out.  I believe this lamp topper looks like a vase but needed a stand.

So I glued them together...

diy vase of roses

And added some white roses I've had for some time.  What do you think?

vintage medical prints

I also played around with some prints I have that I haven't used much of.  Not sure how to use these vintage prints.  Not really wanting to make a doctor's office. Wanting to use them in more modern decor.  Have any of you used vintage medical prints in your mini decor?  Post the link in your comments if so.


  1. I like your plants, easy and well done! Hugs

  2. Bonitas plantas y bonitos y originales recipientes !!

  3. You really made me grin with your remark about your 1:1 plants... I know what you mean, it's the same for me. I swear most indoor plants in the garden shops shiver in terror when I walk by. *LOL* Your miniature plants turned out lovely but I like the vase most, what a great use of this brass thingie. And according to me you should just use your medical posters everywhere you like them to be... my modest opinion is that there can't be enough heart and brain in the world. ;O)

