Monday, March 11, 2019

Miniature Office

miniature office

Not certain that there is a theme here.  Mostly eclectic I believe.

miniature bits and pieces

Lots of just random bits and pieces.

miniature desk

I did make a little tablet out of an advertisement.  And you may notice that the time on the tablet and the time on the clock do not match up.  Oops.

miniature shelf

I really need to get on to making new miniatures.  My scenes are starting to feel too similar.  


  1. For some of us, setting up a miniature scene is more relaxing then a zen garden. I am guessing that is the case for you because they always come out looking so balanced and harmonized!

  2. There's nothing wrong about having a certain style and a personal touch... ;O) You've arranged so many lovely pieces - but according to me you've forgotten something very important: A mug full of coffee or tea to raise spirits while working! *LOL*


    1. How could I forget the coffee! I can't go without the coffee lol. Thank you!

  3. Hello Brandy,
    I really like the way you set up and accessorize your rooms. They are always well filled and feel lived in, but not overcrowded. This office is great! Keep up the amazing work.
    Big hug
