Friday, July 31, 2020

Titles are hard....

I am not good at coming up with catchy titles.  Any way, I am sorry for not posting much.  We've decided to homeschool the girls this year and I am a nervous wreck and obsessing with getting everything ready that I haven't done much else.  But I thought I would at the very least, stop by and share with you a little something my daughter has been working on.  She wanted to make a miniature room like mommy!

I think it is adorably creative.  My youngest is working on one as well but hasn't finished her's yet.

Hopefully I'll find some time to get crafty as well, until then, have a good day!


  1. Try not to stress about homeschooling your kiddo's....ha ha. It is a very difficult step. I found that having a clear daily routine helped. See if you connect with a local homeschooling group. Sometimes they offer Co-op classes etc. Your daughter's mini project shows that she admires what you do and create.

  2. Le ha quedado una habitación muy divertida.
    Es estupendo que tus hijos compartan tu afición.
