Friday, December 28, 2018

A New Chair and a New Bedroom Scene

miniature chair

I made a new chair out of a jewelry gift box and some scraps.  I don't have any dolls so this skeleton from the Dollar Tree is helping with the display.

miniature guitar

Another scene I put together with the new chair.  The guitar was on a chain pull for a fan.

miniature bedroom

I love how everything looks with the new walls and flooring in this new bedroom scene.

miniature plants

miniature bedroom

I can't keep plants alive in real life so I love having a bunch in my mini rooms.

miniature dresser

Well, that's it for today.  Hope you enjoyed the pictures.


  1. the idea of the skeleton on his chair is fun!
    nice bedroom: the use of real plants is excellent

    1. Thank you. I can't keep real plants alive so fake is the way to go for me.

  2. Your creativity and clever design skills were each put to work regarding your new blue chair- Well Done Brandy! :D

  3. Pero que le ha pasado a ese pobre hombre!!!
    Muy bonitos los contrastes del azul y verde en la habitación.

  4. According to my experiences you can find no better chair or sofa tester than a skeleton. At my Witch Towers there are three of them and especially Sir Paul is a connaisseur when it comes to cozy chairs… he says he feels his bones less when sitting comfortable. *grin* Nice arrangements - and beautiful plants. Best wishes for 2019!


  5. I find you little scenes very inspiring. It's a clever way to play with minis without needing loads of space and construction.
    The chair is a great creation!
    Happy New year!
