Tuesday, November 3, 2020

I'm Still Here!

 I know, it has been quite a while since my last post but I promise you all that I am still here and that I do indeed, still have minis on the mind.

Seriously though, I have planned out so many new mini projects that I feel overloaded with ideas.  And now that I have finally found more time to focus on said minis, I have decided to start with just simply playing with my minis for this little scene.  So yeah, in other words, I got so overwhelmed with ideas that I couldn't think of a single one when I finally sat down to create...judge me not.


I have so many mini toys that any kind of child's room is an easy go to.  However, this particular scene does have a few new minis, let's see if you can eye them?

Friday, July 31, 2020

Titles are hard....

I am not good at coming up with catchy titles.  Any way, I am sorry for not posting much.  We've decided to homeschool the girls this year and I am a nervous wreck and obsessing with getting everything ready that I haven't done much else.  But I thought I would at the very least, stop by and share with you a little something my daughter has been working on.  She wanted to make a miniature room like mommy!

I think it is adorably creative.  My youngest is working on one as well but hasn't finished her's yet.

Hopefully I'll find some time to get crafty as well, until then, have a good day!

Friday, July 10, 2020

Fun With Some New Wallpaper

This will be a short but sweet post.  I was digging through my box of new wallpaper that I picked up at a yard sale (box full for $2) and found this pretty dreamy looking paper and decided it needed a scene of its own.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

New Minis and New Mini Scenes

I made a couple of new plants.  Both are cut from a fish tank plant I bought at another yard sale.

And my newest favorite, this orange over-sized chair!  I love it!  Don't you just love it!? I made it out of a gift box lid and some blocks.

Dollar Tree Doll Furniture Redo

I bought a couple of packs of the cheap plastic doll furniture from the Dollar Tree a while back and finally got around to doing something with them.  Though I haven't yet finished the clocks, I did finish the coffee table.

I removed the sticker and goo and painted it white.  Done and done.

Not too bad if you ask me.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Something New To Share With You

From left to right: 
 I bought a wooden ring box at a yard sale for 50 cents and want to use it as a mini.  
The jar on top was a beach themed key chain that I took apart and emptied, then I added some sticks from my yard to it.  
I made the stool by gluing two soda pop lids together and covered them with material.  
A while back, I purchased some wooden discs.  I took two of them and added legs, which are some old bobby pins cut down.  
As for the hand statue, I had it before but it had gotten broke, and I just now got around to fixing it.

That is all for today.  Hopefully, I will have more for you next week.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

New Miniatures!

Haven't been crafting much lately.  I had family in all the week before last and as for last, I have no real excuse, just didn't get around to it.  But I do, fortunately, have something for you today.

I've been wanting to make some new mini toys, so I made this little jack in the box.  I used a small wooden cube, some scrap paper, a wooden bead, a spring from a junk drawer and a clipped end of a bobby pin.  I'm pretty proud of him.

I also went yardsaling and scored a box full of scrapbook paper super cheap as well as a little silver candle holder.  The paper included this awesome marble like paper.

So I made a table with it.

I have started painting the roof for the camper but still need to paint a second coat so I don't have any updated pictures of it for you yet.  Hopefully this week...

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Painted Miniature Hutch

I finished painting my hutch.  I went with a sage green, suggested by Deborah.  Then, I of course, had to play with some ideas to see how versatile it could be.  In the first picture, its a kitchen hutch.

The above decor is my favorite so far.

Then a hutch for a children's room.

And for the last two pictures, I find it interesting how lighting can change the feel of a picture.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

DIY Miniature Camper Progress...

I have started painting the outside and have it all put together except for the roof, which I still need to paint.  

I'm happy with my color choices so far.

But I could use some advise in how to hide the cardboard edges.  Anyone?

Monday, June 1, 2020

DIY Miniature Hutch, and more...

I've been wanting a hutch and decided to try and make my own.  I used a Dollar Tree dresser, craft board, popsicle sticks and some cabinet doors I had left over from another project.

I made it so I could open and close the cabinet doors.

I plan on painting it,...not sure what color though.  Suggestions?

I made some more miniature accessories.  The blue lamp I had before but it got broken so I fixed it and, I believe, improved it a bit.  

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

More DIY Miniatures

I made some new minis.  Most are cutouts from magazines and advertisements.  These include, makeup,  blush brush, bacon, magazines, artwork, bottles and plants and children's books.

And then, of course, I had to play with all the new pretties.  

You'll notice in the last picture that I also made a new lamp.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Miniature Camper Progress

There hasn't been much progress.  But I did at least get the inside panels finished.

I used some of the new wallpaper that I posted last week.  As for the flooring, I found it online for free here.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The New Wallpaper

If you remember, I mentioned some new wallpaper, or scrapbook paper, a couple of posts ago.  Well today I got to play around with some of them.

I love the rich tones of pink and green in this one.  I think this is the paper I will be using for the inside of my camper I'm working on.

I also have some new artwork that I cut out of a magazine.

I'm loving the loft feel of this last room scene I put together.

As for the camper, I'm still working on it, little by little, but my glue gun just stopped working.  Super sad face...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

DIY Miniature Teardrop Trailer Project

I wanted to give you all a peak at what I'm currently up to.  I haven't been this excited about a mini project in a while and I am so far very pleased with how well it it coming out.  My husband brought home large pieces of cardboard for me to craft with.  And I've had this rippled packing material for awhile that I plan on using for the roof.  Each section is 2 pieces glued together for extra strength.  I still need to do the flooring and paint the outside and I'm not certain if I will be painting the inside or using wallpaper.  What do you all think of it so far?  

Monday, May 4, 2020

Ready For A Change

I put together a few new scenes which are pictured here but I am ready to start some new projects, new minis and want to change up my "play room" again.  

Also, I got some new wallpapers which I'm sure I'll be playing with soon.

And now that we are on the last day of school for the girls, I should finally have the time to really get to it.

So keep checking back and hopefully soon, I'll have a bunch of fun new minis for your viewing pleasure!