Friday, October 4, 2013

Had to take a break from the minis...

But I had a good reason...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lady's Roombox

Shortly after the nursery was finished, I started the next roombox. 

Drawer roombox

miniature accessories
 So I started by gathering everything that I might want in the room, using only what I had and not making any new purchases.
miniature bedroom
 I'm pretty proud of the way it came together.
 I found the picture of flowers online and printed it to size.
 What do you think?

Miniature Nursery

The nursery is finished!  I call it, "My littlest angel nursery."

diy miniature crib

This was my first attempt at making my own crib.

miniature gift basket
 I also made the gift basket and a few of the other accessories.
Hope you enjoy!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Modern Kitchen Roombox

I recently bought 3 drawers at a yard sale for 50 cents each!  Perfect for miniature roomboxes!  I was so excited that I already finished one room, have started on another and have plans for the last!

Here is the first one.  A modern kitchen roombox:

miniature kitchen roombox

My goal for these roomboxes is to only use what I already have and not make any new purchases in order to furnish or decorate them, being that I have so many supplies now that my craft area is overflowing...

So for this one, I had the kitchen sink and stove for a few years now.  I had made the work bench myself for another project but decided not to use it then.  and the shelf was from the Dollar Tree and once had mini candles in it.  And the floor is cork board scrapbook paper.

miniature modern kitchen
The chalk board was some scrapbook cards I had picked up awhile back.  The white crate was from a broken Christmas ornament.  The basket/trashcan was a toothpick holder that I bought as a pack of 3 from the Dollar Tree about a month ago. 

miniature modern kitchen
Most of the accessories are items I've had for awhile now.  The jar containers are also from the Dollar Tree and were part of a nail polish kit.  I refilled them with some out dated coffee grounds and seasonings and replaced the caps with metal paper clips.  The 2 smaller jars are clear beads with smaller metal paper clips.

diy miniature modern kitchen

The utensil holder was a piece of a child's earring holder painted black.  I made the white pot out of a soda cap, a 25 cent toy machine cap, some wire and a bead.  And as for the sign, I found it at a flea market for 50 cents about 2 years ago and am excited that I finally get to use it.

As for the next roombox.  It will be My Little Angel Nursery.

miniature angels
 I plan on using these little angels for a crib mobile.
diy miniature crib
 I don't have a crib, and since I'm trying to use only what I already have for these roomboxes, I'm going to attempt to make my own.
nursery roombox

Here are some of the accessories I've come across in my stuff to use for this one.

I'll post pictures of the nursery as soon as it is finished.  And as for the last roombox.  I'm planning a lady's country style bedroom with

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mini Room Redo

So I decided that I wasn't happy with the way this room turned out:

So I redid it. 
miniature sofa and coffee table

miniature roombox

miniature roombox

miniature cabinet

miniature accessories

What do you think?  Better?
And don't forget, you can click on the pictures to make them larger.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Miniature Cabin

miniature cabin

So after I finished the last room I was in the zone and finished another shortly after.  This is my cabin.
michael's hutch
My favorite part are the tiny oil paintings I found at a flea market, as well as the little pipe, tobacco can and filters on the top shelf of the hutch.
miniature fishing pole
The pillows are those little round quilt circles stuffed with cotton.  The chairs, I got at the dollar shop and the floor is made of craft sticks.  The rug is a pot holder and the plants are fish tank plants I put in some beads I had.
miniature mouse and cheese

You can click on the pics to get a better view of the mouse and cheese in the corner.

Now that I'm getting ready for my next semester in school, it will probably be awhile before I get back to my minis.  But I'll do my best.