Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Hidden Miniatures

I have no post for you today.  Haven't gotten around to playing with my minis much this week.  But I have been on Pinterest looking up unique miniature displays and finding them in the most unexpected places.  I think it makes them feel almost magical when they are hidden the way they are in the following pictures.

The Fairy Garden

miniature tree house
fairy garden

fairy garden

fairy garden

Bookcase Minis

bookcase miniatures

book miniatures

book miniatures

Street Miniatures

street miniatures

street miniatures

street mouse

street miniatures

The Mouse House

mouse house

miniature door

miniature door

mouse house

Monday, February 25, 2019

Miniature Butterfly Table

Dollar Tree miniature butterfly table

I found this little table at the Dollar Tree.  Not even certain it is a table, could be a chair.  In the end, I used it as a plant stand.

miniature room

I decided to use another page from the floral calendar.  This one is probably my favorite.

miniature room

I also made a couple new pillows for the couch.

miniature room

Still haven't got much done.  Here's hoping I get a good day of crafting soon.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Diy Miniature Suitcase

miniature bedroom

Right now, I'm just playing around with the new room.  I plan on covering the current flooring again.  Also, thinking about painted the bed frame, what do you think?

diy miniature suitcase

But this particular scene is really just an excuse for showing off my suitcase that I made.

I made it out of this little pill box.

miniature bedroom

I have a few mini scenes in mind for the near future, so stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Regarding The Brick Wall

miniature remodel

I decided to try and disguise the parts of the brick wall that I didn't like using some soft plaster that I picked up from the Dollar Tree.

miniature brick wall

Then I added some cream colored paint with a sponge to the brick areas that were still exposed.  And I have the first coat of white painted on the other two walls.  What do you think?  I think I like it.  I'll have to play around with some new scenes to be sure though.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Miniature Bar

miniature bar scene

I put together a little bar recently.  I left some from the kitchen scene to create it.

diy miniature bar

I used the new table for the scene.

miniature bar

I used the cabinet from the kichen scene. 

miniature beers

I made some mini beers using some coca cola minis I had.  I painted them and cut small advertisements out of the local paper and glued them on.  My husband thought that was great and took some pictures of his own to send his friends.

The brick wall gets a new make over soon, so be on the lookout for that.  See you then.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Miniature Kitchen Table

diy miniature kitchen table

Remember a while back when I made a living room scene but I wasn't happy with it because I felt the couch was too big?  Well, I took that couch apart and made this instead.  The legs are more of the Dollar Tree version of Jenga blocks.  I love it!

miniature kitchen table

I plan on getting more of the little chairs from the Dollar Tree and painting them all white for a farm house type decor.  I wish I had this table in full size.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Kitchen Is Finished

miniature modern kitchen

It's still not what I had planned in my mind but I'm over it.  Too many frustrations.

miniature kitchen

I forgot to mention some things in the previous post about this project's progress.  The flooring for example is contact paper from the Dollar Tree.

diy miniature kitchen

The "corrugated metal" was some packing material my husband gave me that I painted and the sink's counter top is sandpaper.  The sink was a jelly container and the faucet was from a broken barbie toy.

diy shelf

I am going to keep the "brick" for a little longer because I have a bar in mind that I would like to make and I think the brick will suit the scene well.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Miniature Kitchen Progress

in progress

So I am not a fan of the brick.  I am too impatient of a crafter to take the time to do it properly and yeah, it came out pretty bad.  But I am going to use it anyway for this project because I did put a lot of work into it.  We'll look into doing something different later.

diy miniature cabinets

I used foam board and scrap wood to make my cabinets.  The handles are beads I picked up at the Dollar Tree. 

miniature wall murals

I'm thinking of using another calendar page for a wall mural.  You will probably be seeing a few of these "wall murals" just because I'm on a kick.  There is a long way to go, but this is what I have so far.  

Friday, February 8, 2019

Funky Miniature Bench

diy miniature bench

I wanted to make a bench.  I started with some more pick up sticks and a jenga block.  I also started with some scrap grey felt.

ugly bench

But I didn't like the result with the grey felt so I covered it with some fun material I picked up at the Dollar Tree some time ago.

diy miniature funky bench

I prefer the furry purple.  Now I have ideas for a funky bedroom.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Kitchen Prep

diy miniature kitchen accessories 

diy miniature rolling pin and cutting board

I am wanting to create a kitchen scene soon.  I have very little for a kitchen so I will probably be making the majority of it.  I started this week with a couple of the accessories.  A rolling pin and a cutting board.  I made the rolling pin out of a dowel, from the Dollar Tree, and some pick up sticks I've had forever.  I made the cutting board out of a large popsicle stick.  I plan on staining the cutting board.  And I had left the glue gun plugged in and the glue "burned" so  now it has that brown.  I'm hoping to be able to cut away most of the visible glue on the rolling pin.

As for the temporary room box, I haven't gotten very far with it because life in general gets in the way.  It has been a slow couple of weeks, hopefully things will pick up for me soon.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Monday, February 4, 2019

DIY Miniature Brick

I am working on changing my temporary room box again.  This time I want brick, white brick to be exact.  I've had this pack of sand paper in my stash for some time.  I am painting them white and then cutting them into small "bricks".  The progress has been very slow.  Mainly because other stuff keeps coming up and this project gets pushed to the side.  But I will show you the finished results as soon as it is finished.

diy miniature brick

However, my question for all of you, should I leave the back grey to resemble grey grout?  Or should I make it all white?

Friday, February 1, 2019

Once Upon A Time, Many Years Ago...

miniature Halloween room

I found some pictures of some old projects.  Some really, really old projects.  The picture above was my very first ever miniature room.  Click on it for a larger view.  I made the pumpkin being carved on the table and the trick or treat bags out of gum wrappers.

display box

I barely remember working on some of these.  I don't have them anymore.  I sold some at yardsales and some I gave to friends.

miniature kitchen

Most of them were before I started making a lot of my own stuff.

miniature bathroom

I remember using Christmas wrapping paper for this one.

miniature boy's room

And I don't think I even finished this house.

miniature doorway

Little bits that just tease my memory.  But unfortunately all random and never the full picture.

miniature bedroom

miniature bedroom

I remember reusing some of the furniture from this room.

miniature bedroom

And putting it in this room.

miniature girl's room

I remember the little dolls they used to have at the Dollar Tree.

miniature bedroom

That bed shows up in a couple pictures.

miniature living room

miniature living room

I think I gave up on finishing the first dollhouse and gave it away and then built the second out of a bookshelf.  But I kept all the furniture from the first.  This was 16 years ago.

miniature attic 

I wish I still had some of this stuff.

miniature bedroom

miniature bedroom

miniature bedroom

Then there is this room.  I remember putting this room together, but I can't remember the rest of the dollhouse and what it looked like and I can't find anymore pictures.

Do you ever look at older projects and realize how far you've come?